Sponsor A Farm Animal
By participating in the Sponsor A Farm Animal Program, you provide the necessary support to shelter and feed a rescued animal. Sponsor a pig, goat, donkey, chicken or duck, who we may not be able to help without you. Farm animal sponsors can contribute monthly or yearly.
100% of all donations go directly to the animals and are greatly appreciated.
Please note that Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary will not share your personal donor information with any third party individual, charitable organization, or company at any time.
Sponsor a Cow | $50 Monthly | $600 Yearly |
Sponsor a Pig | $40 Monthly | $480 Yearly |
Sponsor a Donkey | $50 Monthly | $600 Yearly |
Sponsor a Goat | $35 Monthly | $420 Yearly |
Sponsor a Sheep | $35 Monthly | $420 Yearly |
Sponsor a Turkey | $20 Monthly | $240 Yearly |
Sponsor a Goose | $15 Monthly | $180 Yearly |
Sponsor a Chicken | $15 Monthly | $180 Yearly |
Sponsor a Duck | $15 Monthly | $180 Yearly |
Now more than ever, we need your help.
Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary has many ways you can donate financially to help benefit the animals at our sanctuary.
Please consider donating today.
1. Send an e-transfer
From your online banking account, send an etransfer to cedarrowfs@hotmail.ca Please be sure to email to let us know who you are so that we can contact you afterwards.
2. Send us a cheque
You can mail a check to us at
157017, Road 15, RR 1 Lakeside, ON N0M 2G0
3. Donate through Canada helps
Get an instant tax receipt and tax-time reminders. Make a difference and increase your tax credits at the same time.
Donate now
4. Sponsor an Animal on the farm
Farm animal sponsors can contribute monthly or yearly with 100% of all donations going directly to the animals.
See Above!
5. Give a gift
A Bedding & Breakfast Card represents a donation made in your recipients name to Cedar Row Farm Sanctuary.
Give a gift now
6. Donate a Car
You can donate a vehicle you no longer need using the Donate A Car Canada program to be recycled or sold at auction depending on its condition, age and location. Tax receipt will be sent to you within 45 days.
Donate your car now