We had a group of volunteers out on Saturday, (Feb.13/11), Steve, and Renee Watson, Monique, Stephanie Belding, Jeff, Patricia, and Carly (sorry if I spelled any names wrong). Saturday started out with blinding whiteouts, high winds and snow. Thanks to everyone who made the effort to travel through the storm, we really appreciate it.
We cleaned out the front enclosure, (home to Daisy, Arnold, Petunia, Eric, Nesta, Little Goat Man Ruby, and Dexter. This is a back breaking job because the roof is so low. Moving the straw/manure in wheelbarrows to the pile was difficult due to the deep snow and wind, plus it’s uphill both ways. Petunia the pot bellied pig behaved herself with everyone, see likes to test people who are in her space. Daisy escaped and got to stretch her legs, but was soon enticed back into the enclosure with some treats. We also mucked out the barn, the straw bedding interlaced with manure was pretty thick due to layering. When it is really cold, we don’t completely clean out the barn, we spot clean the worst areas and add fresh layers of straw. This keeps the barn warmer due to the exothermic reaction of the manue, but makes for a bigger job cleaning up. Cleaning out the barns takes an average of 20 to 30 wheel barrow loads depending on how heavy you load them. After putting down a fresh layer of straw into a clean barn, it was lunch time. You work up an appetite being outside, and working hard. Siobhan cooked up a big pot of lentil soup and with Stephanie’s homemade bread , it was a delectable feast. Kyla provided some tasty chocolate cupcakes for afters. After all that hard work there should be some righteously stiff bodies come Sunday or Monday. It was a good group on Saturday and it’s nice to feed off all that positive energy, we need to bottle it somehow. Come Sunday I was draggin’ my butt around pretty good.
Cedar Row started the working visits years ago and we have met amazing people. If you have some extra time and would like to help clean out the barn or do maintenance around the place, e-mail us [email protected] and we can set up a working visit.
It was such a good day….my favourite part is the animal parade back into the barn once its been cleaned. There’s nothing better than warm, clean “sheets” on a cold winter’s day!
I agree- I love working visits. It’s my favorite day whenever we come. Sure, we slog about but the company’s always phenomenal and knowing we can help contribute to the amazing, selfless work you and Pete do for the animals makes everything so rewarding. See you in the morning!! Another Sunday in the muck- woo hoo!