Category: Uncategorized

Fostering Friendships

In addition to rescuing and rehoming farmed animals, Cedar Row has created and fostered friendships between animals that wouldn’t normally seem possible. Pigs hanging around with dogs, turkeys resting on goats, cats babysitting baby pigs, inseparable geese and ducks…. The list goes on. Gabe, Geronimo, Deb & Sophia These friendships shouldn’t surprise anyone; people from […]

Pigs in the city

You can call them tea cup pigs, mini pigs, micro pigs, or micro mini pigs but in the end they’re all the same thing; a marketing ploy developed by breeders to encourage the sale of potbellied pigs that are almost always abandoned when they get too big to be “cute” in a house. Over the past […]

Luck of the Animals (not just the Irish)

It’s St. Patrick’s Day and with it comes a buzz word that is often uttered this day; luck. Yes, the Luck of the Irish abounds today but as we walk around Cedar Row there is a different kind of luck that is everywhere…. The luck of the animals that made their way here to live free from harm. Whether its one of […]

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8th this year, calls attention to the fact that women often face barriers regarding social, economic, cultural and political achievements. When it comes to farmed animals, female animals are some of the most abused. Whether it’s cows who are repeatedly impregnated only to have their offspring taken from them at birth, to […]

The Year of the Pig

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Pig last took place in 2007 and won’t take place again until 2019. It certainly hasn’t felt like that around here at Cedar Row…. 2015 has been our Year of the Potbellied Pig (plus a couple non-potbellied pigs too!) 6 of the 18 Potbellied Pigs that […]

So many chickens…

Imagine being in a barn where you can barely move, surrounded by 30,000 other beings. Imagine being cramped into a shallow crate with many others where you’re unable to move and speeding down a highway, terrified by loud and unfamiliar noises everywhere. Imagine falling off one of those trucks and dodging traffic while others you know […]